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Altar Boy

Altar Boy, a personal and family drama, streams the arcs in the life of a talented young man – his tests, trials, tribulation, joys, and sorrows.

Set in the New York City neighborhoods of Astoria, Cypress Hills, Breezy Point, and Brooklyn Heights, the story reveals how Jack Van Duesen, with the help of a Dominican nun, overcomes personal conflicts only to be detoured from his desire to become a priest through doubt and love. Instead, he becomes a devoted husband and father, who achieves professional success as a lawyer, prosecutor, and judge. This remarkable and happy life is dashed by his wife’s struggles with ALS and his granddaughter’s precipitous and rebellious marriage into a branch of one of New York’s crime families, where she is isolated from her family.

Through his own strong will, good example, and the help of a retired FBI agent, he
endeavors to rescue his granddaughter from the clutches of the Mafia. In the surprising conclusion, faith, love, and devotion prevail.